USB-Temp Robust and simple temperature measurement with a PC  
At a glance
  • Temperature sensor for use with a PC
  • USB device with 1.9 m USB cable
  • Contained in black aluminium case 25 mm x 15 mm x 40 mm
  • Multiple temperature sensors at one PC possible
  • Measuring accuracy at least 1 ° C, 0.2° C typical, at 20° C
  • Measuring resolution 0.0625° C
  • Valid temperature range -20° to +80° C
  • Network enabled - display on other PC possible
  • Export of the measured values for Excel etc.
  • Automatic saving of the measured values
  • Compression of the measured values
  • Splash-proof
  • Application Program Interface for easy integration in user applications
  • The control software ClewareControl for timed switching, USBswitch with a graphical user interface and USBswitchCmd for switching via command call is ready for download
  • Any sensor may control up to 256 actions, e.g. alarm sound, email oder USB-Switch
  • No driver installation needed with Windows® Operating Systems since Windows® 2K
    (® Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.)
  • Linux support now available.
  • RoHS, CE & EN60950 conform/ IP57
  • Any sensor identifies with a unique serial number
  • Less then 50 mA power consumption
  • 4 years warranty
  • Made in Germany


The temperature sensor is located inside a small black anodized aluminium case filled with non-inflammable casting resign (VL94). This make the sensor very robust. The size of the sensor is about 40 mm x 25 mm x 15 mm and it is connected to the PC using a 1.9 m long cable. The product is guarranteed for 2 years.

The measuring resolution is 0.0625° Celsius and the accuracy is at least 1° C. At prduction time the sensor was calibrated to 0.2° C. Using the supplied software the sensor could be recalibrated anytime to get a better result. The valid temperature range for using USB-Temp is -20° to +80° C. Using the sensor outside this range may destroy it.

The casting resign protects the sensor again humidity and splash-water. Anyway the sensor must not be operated under water for a long time, because the casting resign will very slowly absorg water. There is no guaranty that the sensor materials will not react with it's environment.

Up to 127 sensors may theoretically be connected to a PC using several HUBs. This makes it very easy to compare the temperature of different places. When using Cleware USB devices it is not neccessary to install device drivers. The standard USB drivers are sufficient.

The USB-Temp will be delivered with the software ClewareControl for displaying and managing measured values. The software is running with No driver installation needed with Windows® Operating Systems since Windows® 2K
(® Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.) No special device drivers are neccessary to use the Cleware USB devices. The already installed device driver are sufficient.

The application ClewareControl will do the temperature visualisation. Every sensor may control up to 256 actions such as sound, email, execution of any program or switch an USB-Switch. In case of Windows 2000 or XP an entry in the event log could be the result of an action.

The USB-Temp may also be controlled via the network. The connection is established with the TCP/IP protocol. On the remote control PC the USB-Temp appears like a local device and could be handled the same way. Several devices even on different PCs could be controlled simultaniously.

The recorded values may automatically be stored on the disk. The compression of the measured values is also supported to reduce memory needs. Export functions to use the data in foreign programs (e.g. Excel) are available.

An application Program interface (API) to drive the USB-Temp from customer programs is part of the delivery. The API bundles some very simple functions for opening and reading the device. The complex USB device handling is hided.

Linux support is also available. An application program interface (API) and a simple example for accessing an USB-Temp is available. Some more support is planned.

Every Sensor own its unique serial number. This make it easy to identify the devices even when the USB plug position changes or new USB devices are connected. The serial number is accessible through the API and could therefore be used as a simple dongle.

The product USB-Temp comes with a 2-year software update service via Internet free of charge. New versions are made available in the Cleware download area and may be downloaded free. The price of the sensor is EUR 53.90, equipped with 3,7 m USB cable EUR 58,90. These prices includes the local tax (VAT).

Usage examples

The sensor is usable in many ways. A small selection is show below:

  • supervision of the server environment temperature with automatic alarm via email or by turning on an alarm light with the USB-Switch
  • controlling the mains switch USB-Switch according to the temperature
  • measuring the temperature on different places inside the PC, e.g. at the disk or at the power supply
  • measuring the temperature distribution in rooms or buildings
  • meteorological maesuring
  • control of the behaviour of the air condition
  • supervision of the temperature of terrariums and controlling heating or cooling devices
  • monitoring the working place temperature (facility management)
  • documentation of temperature curve in production enviroments

The usage of the USB-Temp is strictly prohibited in the following applications:

  • medical application of any kind
  • production and processing of food
  • when the failure of the sensor will harm people